Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hello wonderful readers!

I'm not the most regular blogger, but it is because I feel that in order to blog, something big or noteworthy should be happening. I don't want to just be a boring few paragraphs about the ins and outs of school, job-hunting, and so forth, so I wait.

And I've got the blogging spark again, so here I am.

It's interesting because I'm anxiously awaiting my mission call, and I've heard that there is a big chance it's coming this week. So naturally I'm freaking out and happy and excited and nervous all wrapped up in a big ball of emotions.

Preparing for this next step in my life has actually influenced me in a lot of ways that took a little while to notice fully.

I'm generally a happier person now. Things don't bother me as much now, and if I do get upset or offended, I'm fine and normal almost instantly. I find myself finding more enjoyment in activities such as listening to a hymn playlist at anytime in the day, or searching for LDS mission videos that range from opening a call to the MTC or returning home. I am finding it more difficult to focus on tasks such as television or Facebook, and find myself wandering elsewhere, sitting outside to listen to the birds, and contemplating the future.

My desires and goals are shifting from worldly to spiritual, and I like the changes. I like being able to sit outside and hear life thrumming around me. I ike to see the happiness and excitement of missionaries. I like to feel the Spirit after listening to a medley of hymns.

And it is truly an amazing feeling. I honestly can't wait to take this next step in my future. I can't wait to serve the Lord for 18 amazing months.

Remember that we're all here for a reason and outlook is everything. There will be hard times, and there will be great times, and either way, we are given these things for a reason! Keep your head up. You're awesome and you make a difference, even if you don't realize it yet.

Until next time,


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unintentional Motivation

Hey guys!

I know it’s been awhile and I won’t bore you with a long tangent, but I will just say I’ve been busy.

Lately life has been a little harder, but I think it’s due to stress, and a few other things. As some of you know, I recently put in papers to serve a mission for my church. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.) I will probably be leaving around June or so, and am waiting for my assignment.

Ever since I made the decision to go, life has become more difficult. It seems like everywhere I turn, I’m faced with difficult choices, and difficult people.

But, then I found a folded piece of paper that I had written on and forgotten about. It was from December, and I had been texting a friend and seeking advice. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. He had in turn, given me some advice that I wrote down, and now it has come in handy once again.

“Generally, when we want to do something good is right around when Satan starts working hardest on us and those we love. The trick, (and secret to life, really) is remaining firm in the path when that stuff comes. It isn’t easy, but if you remember that things will get better and trust in Heavenly Father, He’ll take care of us.”

I went about my day with those words in my thoughts, and found that not only are they absolutely true, but they also really work!

I decided to not dwell on the little things that come up in life. We have this one chance to go out and so something good, and to let little things bother you or get in the way isn’t the way we should let things happen.

Satan has no power over us unless we give it to him. He can’t control our actions or deeds without us first allowing him.

I’ve made this decision for myself, and honestly I know it’s one of the best decisions I’ll ever make! I’m proud to be a member of my church and will go and serve this mission gladly and with a purpose! I will no longer allow Satan to have a hold of my thoughts and try and dissuade me.

I’m a Mormon.

I know it.

I live it.

I love it.

And when I get my call, I’ll go forward enthusiastically and give it everything I have.

Thank you readers. And thanks to my friend who has continued to inspire me without even realizing it.

You guys are really and truly amazing.
